Mommy Makeover Patient 2

This 32 year-old-mother of two children presented to my Frisco practice like many of our patients who seek to restore their shape and contour after pregnancy, weight loss and even the routine aspects of daily life that can have drastic changes on our body. Her desired goals included improvement in her abdominal and flank contour to treat her “tummy” as well as correcting her breast deflation and “sagging” by restoring a more youthful, full and “perky” appearance – one that she always remembered her breasts having had prior to these significant life changes.
The recommended surgical plan included performing an abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck”) with a small amount of liposuction of her flanks. She also underwent an augmentation-mastopexy which includes both a breast lift, to reposition the areola and the breast tissues, and a breast augmentation to help restore the volume and fullness of her breasts. Her surgery and recovery both went smoothly and she recovered without incident.
These photos demonstrate the patient’s surgical result 2 years after undergoing her “mommy makeover”.