Case-1783 Case-1783

This 45-year-old African American female patient came to our Frisco office complaining of symptomatic hypermastia. She had suffered from shoulder, neck, and back pain for several years. Additionally, she had a history of shoulder grooving from brasserie straps as well as chronic intertriginous rashes due to the size and weight of her breasts. Previous attempts to treat the patient with physical therapy, different supportive garments, and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medication were unsuccessful in providing any relief of her symptoms.
We discussed our recommendation that she undergo breast reduction surgery which she agreed with. This was performed and over 700 grams of breast tissue was removed from each of the patient’s breasts during the surgery.
During her follow-up appointments, she returned to our office pleased with her result, stating that she was now able to exercise without hindrance, could wear garments that she had previously not been able to consider and had improved self-image. These before and after photographs demonstrate her results after undergoing breast reduction surgery by Geo N. Tabbal M.D.